Wishing I was home! - Psychic Onslaught

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Tuesday, November 29, 2005 

Wishing I was home!

Yes, my dears, I know that is has been practically a week that I have updated whatever you call this thing, HOWEVER, there is a rational explination of my absence on here and at the mansion. You see, Thanksgiving was just so wonderful, that I wanted to stay at the my brother's and I's mansion for a couple more days. Although, it seemed like a good idea it first, it wasn't at all, I'm afraid. But first onto the explination of Thanksgiving:

I awoke early Thanksgiving morning, wondering if we were actually going to celebrate Thanksgiving there. I mean, Thanksgiving is an AMERICAN thing that I never celebrated until I arrived at Xavier's Institute. Thanksgiving is when the pilgrims went to america to conquer, blah blah blah, insert boring dates here, ate turkey with indians and got drunk. Well, I liked the getting drunk part, but slaving over a kitchen for a whole day to cook some rubbish bird that will be devoured in thirty seconds seemed rather pointless. Plus, this was during the time that Britian wanted the New World to be non-independent, so sharing an American holiday would might as well piss them off.

However, to my suprise, it went pretty well. I was chosen to make the turkey, and didn't a good job, if I may say so myself. Heres the beautiful picture I took:

However, the next couple of days I was trying to relax when My brother wanted to do some 'sister-brother' time. Well, out of legal circumstances, I cannot say what happened, but heres a picture that would describe the pain I am now in. However, after a full bottle of Advil and wine, I think I recovered. I am sorry to cut this explination short, but the lawyer doesn't want me to repeat anything else that had happened or I will be sued. So below is the humilating picture, and please, send me some sympathy!!

Here's the tattoo he made me get. Well it wasn't hard since he got me drunk first, but it hurt like hell. Please ignore the poor pedicure, for there are no good pedicurists in England. I can't wait to be home tommorrow!!!

About me

  • I'm Elisabeth Braddock
  • From Bristol, England, United Kingdom
  • The only hotness around England (with the exception of my lesser companion, Emma Frost).
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